Changing the Face of Bay Restoration and Science

The environmental workforce that will inhabit and take care of the Bay area will be critical in bringing the full range of solutions to the table to face the challenges of the future. There are new faces emerging, including the new network of Bay professionals being trained through CRC’s Chesapeake Student Recruitment, Early Advisement, and Mentoring (C-StREAM) program. We spoke to a current intern, her mentor, and a program alumnus about how they got into the field as well as how we can clear inclusive career paths and increase diversity in environmental restoration and science through C-StREAM.


  • John Wolf, C-StREAM Mentor, GIS Team Leader at the Chesapeake Bay Program, U.S. Geological Survey
  • Nick Coleman, Former C-StREAM Intern, Graduate Research Assistant at University of Maryland’s Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
  • Bailey Bosley, C-StREAM Intern, Undergraduate Student at Towson University

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