Bringing the Bay Home: The Role of Photography and Writing in the Restoration Effort

Communication experts know that facts often do little to persuade; it is stories and emotions that change minds and win people over. Through photography, poetry, prose, murals, sculpture, song, and more, artists are able to reach people in a way that statistics do not. A photograph of a waterman’s skiff at home amongst shimmering waves and a vibrant, first-hand account of a procession of monarchs through the marsh are valuable tools for engaging the public and bringing both the beauty of the Bay and the challenges it faces to the forefront.

We explored how photography and writing support the restoration effort with two longtime Chesapeake Bay influences, Dave Harp and Tom Horton.


  • Dave Harp, Chesapeake Bay Photographer
  • Tom Horton, Chesapeake Bay Writer, Environmental Studies Professor at Salisbury University

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