Adding EJSCREEN and Local Tools to Your Environmental Justice Toolbox

Our third webinar took place on Wednesday, November 18, 2020 from 12-1pm and we discussed Adding EJSCREEN and Local Tools to Your Environmental Justice Toolbox. During the first half of the webinar, our invited speakers provided an overview of two environmental justice tools. For the second half of the webinar, we invited your questions and lively discussion from all participants.

We are built on last month’s Environmental Justice (EJ) overview discussion. EJ plans can only be made actionable through the availability of accurate data and tools. Through presentations and demonstrations, we discussed national and regional data availability and how to use them.


  • Matthew Lee, Environmental Protection Specialist, Office of Communities, Tribes and Environmental Assessment, EPA Region III
  • John Wolf, GIS Team Lead for the Chesapeake Bay Program, U.S. Geological Survey