Environmental Monitoring in the Time of COVID-19

Our first webinar took place on Wednesday, September 23, 2020 from 12-1pm and we discussed Environmental Monitoring in the Time of COVID-19. During the first half of the webinar, our invited speakers provided an overview from federal, state, and citizen perspectives. For the second half of the webinar, we invited your questions and lively discussion from all participants.

The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted our lives and the way we do business, including the way research, monitoring, and management are conducted. As we look into the not-so-distant future, difficult budget decisions may impact monitoring activities at the state and federal level and by association, the management decisions they inform. CRC invites you to participate in a robust conversation around the importance of environmental monitoring and how wise decisions can be made about balancing monitoring activities with other priorities to ensure that management of Chesapeake Bay continues to be informed by the best science available.


  • John Kennedy, Director, Office of Ecology, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
  • Lee McDonnell, Branch Chief, Science, Analysis and Implementation Branch, EPA Chesapeake Bay Program
  • Matthew J. Ehrhart, Director of the Robin L. Vannote Watershed Restoration Program, Stroud Water Research Center; and Citizens Advisory Committee Chair