The Chesapeake Research Consortium (CRC) and NOAA’s Chesapeake Bay Office(NCBO) co-hosted a baywide workshop of scientists and managers from academic,federal, and state agencies in early March 2006. The workshop’s focus was discussion ofa potential baywide, integrated, fish stock monitoring program that facilitates cross-bayfisheries management. The opening remarks by J. Travelstead, Virginia MarineResources Commission (VMRC), outlined fisheries management needs for the three tidalfisheries management organizations — the VMRC, the Potomac River FisheriesCommission (PRFC), and Maryland’s Department of Natural Resources (MD DNR).Following presentations highlighted other successful fish monitoring programs in Canadaand the Eastern U.S. These presentations served as the foundation for workshopparticipant discussions on linking management needs with monitoring possibilities for thetidal waters of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. The discussions by participants,along with a compilation and consensus on future steps in developing a baywide fishmonitoring program for the Chesapeake, yielded the following initial concepts foradvancing such a program.
Baywide and Coordinated Chesapeake Bay Fish Stock Monitoring
Author: | Bonzek, C., E. Houde, S. Giordano, R. Latour, T. Miller, and K.G. Sellner |
Keywords: | fish; marine resources; fisheries; monitoring; stock |
Number: | 0163 |
Organization: | CRC |
Pages: | 70 |
Series: | 2843 |
Type: | CRC Workshop Summary |
Year: | 2007 |