
(Photo by Will Parson/Chesapeake Bay Program)

Chesapeake Bay Expertise Database

CBED allows scientists, managers, research funders, and other interested parties to identify experts at CRC member institutions and other CBP partner institutions through searches by scientific discipline, management area, research interests, or institution.  Please choose your search category (Expertise, First Name, Last Name, etc) from the drop-down list, enter your keyword in the text box, and the click search.

To become part of the CBED, simply register your own expertise data here. The application process is form driven and usually takes under 5 minutes. Your application will be processed within 2 weeks.

Dr. Jason Hubbart

Dr. Tom Ihde

Dr. Shreeram Inamdar

Dr. Claire Jantz

Mr. David Jasinski

Mrs. Paula Jasinski

Dr. Sarah Jensen

Dr. Yan Jiao

Dr. Thomas Johnson

Dr. Katherine Johnson

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