Institution : University of Virginia |
Department : Urban and Environmental Planning |
Position : Climate Equity Doctoral Fellow |
Expertise : Crabs, Land Use, Local Community Organization, Regional Restoration Project Design/Management, Sea Level Rise, Social Sciences
Chesapeake Management Areas : Land Conservation, Public Access, Stewardship, Climate Resiliency |
Research interests : I am interested in how coastal communities with limited resources and capabilities make environmental adaptation decisions. Community engagement is a strong focus of my work and key threads include land use change, cultural heritage, and comprehensive planning. I am both a social scientist and a trained designer of adaptation strategies and solutions. Working across urban planning, landscape, and architecture, I find the most value in participating in transdiciplinary research. My earlier career included being a staff member of the World Bank and the Singpaore Ministry of National Development. Hence, international case studies are frequently utilized in my work for coastal adaptation and environmental mitigation work.
Institution : University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) |
Department : Institute of Marine & Environmental Technology (IMET) |
Expertise : Algae Blooms, Alternative Energy, Environmental Engineering, Nutrient Pollution
Chesapeake Management Areas : Water Quality |
Research interests : Understand lipid synthesis, turnover, and lipid body biogenesis in microalgae; rationally engineer algae for production of biofuels and high-value products used in aquaculture and nutraceutical industry
Institution : Penn State University (PSU) |
Department : Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Expertise : Agricultural Runoff, Biogeochemistry, Climate/Weather Impact Analysis (biochemistry and living resources), Climate/Weather Impact Analysis (flooding), Coastal/Estuarine Hydrodynamics, Ecological Modeling, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Microbiology, Forests, Nutrient Cycling, Nutrient Pollution, Sediment, Stream Health, Trace Metals, Water Quality
Chesapeake Management Areas : Water Quality, Toxic Contaminants, Healthy Watersheds, Land Conservation, Stewardship, Climate Resiliency |
Research interests : process-based modeling for hydrological and biogeochemical processes at the watershed scale; concentration and discharge relationship; water quality modeling; agricultural runoff; predictive modeling of loadings of nutrients and toxic contaminants
Institution : University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) |
Department : Chesapeake Biological Laboratory (CBL) |
Expertise : Statistics (Spatial, Bayesian)
Chesapeake Management Areas : Sustainable Fisheries, Water Quality |
Research interests : Effective monitoring and assessment of BMP effect or water quality
Institution : Virginia Tech (VT) |
Department : Biological Systems Engineering |
Expertise : Agricultural BMPs, Communications, Environmental Education, Nutrient Pollution, Social Sciences, Water Quality
Chesapeake Management Areas : Water Quality, Healthy Watersheds, Environmental Literacy |
Research interests : Coordinate the Virginia Household Water Quality Program, which provides drinking water clinics for Virginians reliant on private water supplies (wells, springs, and cisterns) through extension offices in over 45 Virginia counties annually, and the Virginia Well Owner Network, a group of trained extension educators and volunteers who educate other private water supply users across the state.
Past work and experience with the Mid-Atlantic Water Program: Conducting a needs assessment across the Chesapeake Bay watershed to identify key partnerships, research and outreach priorities for land-based non-point source threats to water quality; create education and outreach materials addressing Bay states’ evolving response to the Chesapeake Bay TMDL; develop continuing education online modules for private water supply users across the mid-Atlantic region.
Development of social marketing and behavior change resources for community-based watershed organizations.
Institution : US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) |
Department : Chesapeake Bay Program Office (CBPO) |
Expertise : Air Quality, Climate/Weather Impact Analysis (biochemistry and living resources), Coastal/Estuarine Hydrodynamics, Ecological Modeling, Nutrient Cycling, Nutrient Pollution, Sediment, Water Quality, airshed, watershed, and estuarine modeling
Chesapeake Management Areas : Water Quality, Healthy Watersheds, Climate Resiliency |
Research interests : Assessment of climate change, Conowingo infill, and Phase 3 Watershed Implementation Plan development on Chesapeake water quality
Institution : Virginia Tech (VT) |
Department : Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Expertise : Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Nutrient Pollution, Sediment, Water Quality, Water Treatment
Chesapeake Management Areas : Water Quality, Healthy Watersheds |
Research interests : coupled food/energy/water systems; a systems approach to sustainability
Institution : Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) |
Department : Marine Disease Ecology Laboratory |
Expertise : Environmental Microbiology, Genomics/Genetics, Invasive Species, parasite ecology, infectious disease ecology
Chesapeake Management Areas : Sustainable Fisheries, Vital Habitats, Healthy Watersheds |
Research interests : parasite and infectious disease ecology of coastal invertebrates and seagrasses
Institution : Johns Hopkins University (JHU) |
Department : Environmental Health and Engineering (EH&E) |
Expertise : Environmental Microbiology, Oysters, Water Quality, Aquaculture, Food Systems, Supply Chains
Chesapeake Management Areas : Sustainable Fisheries, Water Quality, Healthy Watersheds, Climate Resiliency |
Research interests : The intersection of food production and public health, including associated environmental, social, economic, and political issues.
Institution : Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) |
Department : Office of Research & Advisory Service |
Expertise : Ecology, Marine Life, Oysters
Chesapeake Management Areas : Sustainable Fisheries, Vital Habitats, Climate Resiliency |
Research interests : Marine Restoration Ecology; benthic ecology, oysters, shellfish aquaculture