Institution : Penn State University (PSU) |
Department : Meteorology and Atmospheric Science |
Expertise : Biogeochemistry, Climate/Weather Impact Analysis (biochemistry and living resources)
Chesapeake Management Areas : Water Quality, Climate Resiliency |
Research interests : I'm interested in Chesapeake Bay biogeochemistry (nutrients, oxygen, and carbon, mainly) as well as how climate change affects Chesapeake Bay.
Institution : Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) |
Expertise : Algae Blooms, Biogeochemistry, Climate/Weather Modeling and Forecasting, Coastal/Estuarine Hydrodynamics, Coastal/Estuarine Sampling and Monitoring, Environmental Microbiology, Oceanography
Chesapeake Management Areas : Sustainable Fisheries, Vital Habitats, Water Quality |
Research interests : Photobiology, Photochemistry, UV Effects on Aquatic Ecosystems, Phytoplankton Productivity
Institution : University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) |
Department : Appalachian Laboratory (AL) |
Expertise : Air Quality, Alternative Energy, Biogeochemistry, Ecology, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Microbiology, Forests, Nutrient Cycling, Water Quality, Wildlife Ecology
Chesapeake Management Areas : Vital Habitats, Water Quality, Healthy Watersheds, Land Conservation, Stewardship, Climate Resiliency |
Research interests : Stable isotope ecology and biogeochemistry; effects of renewable energy on wildlife, including migration; paleoecology and paleoclimatology; using isotopes to identify source of pollutants in water and air; watershed biogeochemistry
Institution : Towson University |
Department : Biological Sciences |
Expertise : Dead Zones, Fisheries, Rockfish, fish physiology
Chesapeake Management Areas : Sustainable Fisheries |
Research interests : Intraspecific variation in hypoxia tolerance in striped bass
Institution : University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) |
Department : Chesapeake Biological Laboratory (CBL) |
Expertise : Fisheries, Invasive Species, Wildlife Ecology
Chesapeake Management Areas : Sustainable Fisheries, Vital Habitats |
Research interests : population dynamics of fish, wildlife, and invasive species
Institution : US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) |
Department : Office of Policy / National Center for Environmental Economics (NCEE) |
Expertise : Ecological Modeling, Environmental Economics, Social Sciences, Socioeconomic Modeling
Chesapeake Management Areas : Sustainable Fisheries, Water Quality, Public Access |
Research interests : Integrating ecological models and non-market valuation methods to examine the benefits and costs of water quality improvements in the Chesapeake Bay
Institution : University of Maryland |
Department : Agricultural and Resource Economics |
Expertise : Agricultural BMPs, Environmental Economics, Land Use, Nutrient Pollution, Socioeconomic Modeling, Water Quality, Nutrient trading
Chesapeake Management Areas : Vital Habitats, Water Quality, Healthy Watersheds, Land Conservation |
Research interests : economics of agricultural and stormwater BMPs; nutrient trading; land-use change modeling; land conservation; land-use policy analysis
Institution : Salisbury University |
Department : Biological Sciences |
Expertise : Toxicology, immunology, immunotoxicology
Chesapeake Management Areas : Water Quality, Toxic Contaminants |
Research interests : immunotoxic effects of environmental contaminants including mercury and arsenic
Institution : University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) |
Department : Horn Point Laboratory (HPL) |
Expertise : Algae Blooms, Coastal/Estuarine Sampling and Monitoring, Ecology, Environmental Education, Environmental Microbiology, Marine Microbiology, Nutrient Cycling, Oceanography, Seagrass, Zooplankton, Phytoplankton
Chesapeake Management Areas : Vital Habitats, Water Quality, Environmental Literacy |
Research interests : Plankton nutrient and trophodynamics associated with bloom formation; harmful algal bloom proliferation and toxins; impacts of eutrophication and climate change on algal blooms; Environmental Education including, Maryland Environmental Literacy Partnership, and Curriculum + Community Enterprise for Restoration Science (using ecological restoration science for education and citizen science- 'Billion Oyster Project'- NYC).
Institution : Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) |
Department : Fish and Invertebrate Ecology Lab |
Position : Ecologist |
Expertise : Climate/Weather Impact Analysis (biochemistry and living resources), Coastal/Estuarine Sampling and Monitoring, Crabs, Ecology, Fisheries, Invasive Species, Marine Life, Oysters, Zooplankton, Animal Migrations, River Herring, Acoustic Telemetry, Long-term Data
Chesapeake Management Areas : Sustainable Fisheries, Vital Habitats, Healthy Watersheds, Environmental Literacy, Stewardship, Climate Resiliency |
Research interests : community and population dynamics of fishery species; ecosystem-based fisheries management; role of animal migrations in ecosystem dynamics; building a genetic barcode library of Chesapeake fishes and invertebrates; conservation and restoration of coastal ecosystems