Institution : US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) |
Department : Chesapeake Bay Program Office (CBPO) |
Expertise : Social Sciences, Water Quality
Chesapeake Management Areas : Water Quality, Stewardship |
Research interests : co-benefits of BMPs beyond water quality improvements; climate resilient BMPs; integrating social science research and findings into CBP decision-making
Institution : Johns Hopkins University (JHU) |
Department : Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology (School of Medicine) |
Expertise : Parasite diseases of fish
Chesapeake Management Areas : Sustainable Fisheries, Healthy Watersheds, Climate Resiliency |
Research interests : Host-parasite interactions, and life cycles, particularly of protistan (single-celled) parasites of bony fishes
Institution : Johns Hopkins University (JHU) |
Department : Environmental Health and Engineering (EH&E) |
Expertise : Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Toxicology, Water Quality, Water Treatment, Emerging contaminants
Chesapeake Management Areas : Water Quality, Toxic Contaminants |
Research interests : Analysis, fate and effects of trace organic contaminants
Institution : Johns Hopkins University (JHU) |
Department : Environmental Health and Engineering |
Expertise : Algae Blooms, Biogeochemistry, Dead Zones, Environmental Microbiology, Genomics/Genetics, Marine Microbiology, Nutrient Cycling, Water Quality
Chesapeake Management Areas : Water Quality |
Research interests : Dynamics of microorganisms and biogeochemical processes In aquatic dead-zones; Viral infections of aquatic microbes; Pathogen transport through engineered infiltration systems; Ecology of harmful algal blooms
Institution : University of Maryland |
Department : Geographical Sciences |
Position : Assistant Professor |
Expertise : Land Use, Social Sciences, Socioeconomic Modeling, Social network analysis
Chesapeake Management Areas : Stewardship, Climate Resiliency |
Research interests : Understanding the role networks play in shaping stakeholders' views re: environmental changes occurring in Deal Island
Institution : University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP) |
Department : Geosciences |
Position : Associate Professor |
Expertise : Biogeochemistry, Climate/Weather Impact Analysis (flooding), Nutrient Cycling, Sediment, Water Quality
Chesapeake Management Areas : Water Quality, Healthy Watersheds, Climate Resiliency |
Research interests : Sediment sources and transport in rivers and estuaries, effects of sea grasses on channel velocities and storm surge attenuation, denitrification in freshwater tidal and non-tidal wetlands
Institution : Penn State University (PSU) |
Department : Agricultural and Biological Engineering |
Expertise : Agricultural BMPs, Agricultural Runoff, Jellyfish, Nutrient Pollution, Water Quality
Chesapeake Management Areas : Water Quality, Healthy Watersheds, Land Conservation, Climate Resiliency |
Research interests : Development and application of watershed simulation models, data analytics, and optimization tools for making sustainable management decisions
Institution : Johns Hopkins University (JHU) |
Department : Environmental Health and Engineering |
Expertise : Air Quality, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Statistics, Worker exposure and health
Chesapeake Management Areas : Vital Habitats, Toxic Contaminants, Environmental Literacy, Stewardship |
Research interests : Assessing human exposure to air pollutants in ambient and occupational environments and their health impacts; air pollution control; worker health and safety; statistical analysis
Institution : Penn State University (PSU) |
Department : Mechanical Engineering |
Expertise : Sediment, Water Quality, Water Treatment, Particle Aggregation, Fluid Dynamics, Optics
Chesapeake Management Areas : Water Quality, Toxic Contaminants |
Research interests : Turbulence effects on aggregation and floc breakup and its influence on particle transport in the coastal and open ocean
Institution : Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) |
Department : Physical Sciences |
Expertise : Coastal/Estuarine Sampling and Monitoring, Water Quality, Submarine groundwater discharge; wetland and riparian buffers
Chesapeake Management Areas : Vital Habitats, Water Quality, Healthy Watersheds, Stewardship, Climate Resiliency |
Research interests : My research interest encompasses two focal areas including: (1) watershed hydrology and nutrient dynamics with an emphasis on the study of groundwater-surface water interactions, and (2) wetland and ecotone response/adaptability to climate change and episodic impacts. I am also actively engaged in the development and implementation of shallow-water monitoring programs, their integration into ocean and coastal observation systems, and more recently the development of climate-change sentinel sites.