Institution : University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science |
Department : Environmental Science and Technology, College of Ag. and Natural Resources |
Expertise : Agricultural BMPs, Agricultural Runoff, Climate/Weather Impact Analysis (flooding), Environmental Engineering, Nutrient Pollution, Sediment, Water Quality, Field and Watershed Scale Modeling
Research interests : Urban and rural storm water management under current and future climate scenarios using modeling and Diagnostic Decision Support System (DDSS), Systems level work on the NEXUS of Food, Energy, Water, Farmer-led Climate Change Adaptation for Agro-ecosystems
Institution : University of Delaware |
Department : Plant and Soil Sciences |
Expertise : Agricultural BMPs, Agricultural Runoff, Biogeochemistry, Environmental Education, Nutrient Cycling, Nutrient Pollution, Water Quality, Environmental Education
Chesapeake Management Areas : Water Quality, Healthy Watersheds, Climate Resiliency |
Research interests : agricultural nutrient management
Institution : Virginia Tech (VT) |
Department : Biological Systems Engineering (BSE) |
Expertise : Climate/Weather Modeling and Forecasting, Environmental Statistics
Chesapeake Management Areas : Climate Resiliency |
Research interests : Climate change impacts and adaptation, integrated modeling of coupled human-natural systems
Institution : Retired From DC Water & Sewer Authority |
Department : Agricultural and Applied Economics, Ecosystem Conservation, Ecosystem Restoration, Engineering, Environment and Natural Resources, Environmental Science, Mathematical Sciences, Water Quality; Chemical Engineering |
Expertise : Environmental Education, Environmental Engineering, Nutrient Cycling, Nutrient Pollution, Regional Restoration Project Design/Management, Water Quality, Water Treatment, Environmental Education
Chesapeake Management Areas : Water Quality, Toxic Contaminants, Environmental Literacy |
Research interests :
Institution : Johns Hopkins University (JHU) |
Department : Environmental Health and Engineering |
Expertise : Agricultural Runoff, Algae Blooms, Coastal/Estuarine Sampling and Monitoring, Environmental Microbiology, Land Use, Trace Metals
Chesapeake Management Areas : Toxic Contaminants, Healthy Watersheds |
Research interests : impact of agricultural land use on ecosystems and public health
Institution : Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) |
Department : Marine Invasions Laboratory |
Expertise : Ecology, Invasive Species, Marine Life
Research interests : species distribution modeling to examine how invasive species are spreading in a warming and changing climate.
Institution : Towson University |
Department : Chemistry |
Expertise : Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Water Treatment, Analytical Chemistry
Chesapeake Management Areas : Toxic Contaminants, Environmental Literacy |
Research interests : Fate of agrochemicals and related organic compounds in environmental systems; water disinfection; chlorination and bromination chemistry; disinfection by-products; aquatic chemical kinetics; reaction mechanisms
Institution : US Geological Survey (USGS) |
Department : New Jersey Water Science Center |
Position : Research Hydrologist |
Expertise : Agricultural Runoff, Environmental Chemistry, Toxicology, Trace Metals, Water Quality
Chesapeake Management Areas : Toxic Contaminants |
Research interests : Exposure and effects of inorganic (e.g., trace metals) and organic contaminants (e.g., pesticides, PFAS and other endocrine active compounds) on humans, fish and wildlife.
Institution : University of Virginia (UVA) |
Department : Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Expertise : Alternative Energy, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Statistics
Chesapeake Management Areas : Water Quality, Climate Resiliency |
Research interests : My research interests include spatial statistical data analysis and mathematical modeling of environmental and energy systems. Past research has addressed spatial outlier detection, geostatistical uncertainty analysis, and multiobjective risk analysis applied to geothermal energy systems development in the Appalachian Basin. Current research interests include spatial analysis of water quality risks in watersheds, and multiobjective management of water systems, with particular interest in optimizing policies to meet water quality objectives.
Institution : Maryland Department of Natural Resources |
Department : Resource Assessment Service - Tidewater Ecosystem Assessment |
Expertise : Algae Blooms, Coastal/Estuarine Sampling and Monitoring, Environmental Education, Nutrient Pollution, Water Quality, Environmental Education
Chesapeake Management Areas : Water Quality |
Research interests : Water quality monitoring and habitat assessments of shallow and open waters of the Chesapeake Bay. Particular emphasis on autonomous monitoring (e.g., continuous monitoring) for characterizing the health of shallow water habitats. Shallow water monitoring data also used to assess Chesapeake Bay water quality criteria for dissolved oxygen, water clarity, and chlorophyll in shallow water habitats, determine attainment or non-attainment of shallow water habitats for their designated uses, assess SAV habitats and identify potential SAV restoration sites, provide information to better understand ecosystem processes and the impact of extreme events (e.g. hurricanes, high flows, sanitary sewer overflows) in shallow water environments, provide data for calibrating the Bay Eutrophication and Watershed Model, and to track progress of habitat restoration and environmental mitigation efforts.