(Photo by Will Parson/Chesapeake Bay Program)
Chesapeake Bay Expertise Database
CBED allows scientists, managers, research funders, and other interested parties to identify experts at CRC member institutions and other CBP partner institutions through searches by scientific discipline, management area, research interests, or institution. Please choose your search category (Expertise, First Name, Last Name, etc) from the drop-down list, enter your keyword in the text box, and the click search.
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Dr. Michael Unger
Institution : Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) |
Department : Aquatic Health Sciences |
Expertise : Biogeochemistry, Coastal/Estuarine Sampling and Monitoring, Environmental Chemistry, Sediment, Toxicology
Chesapeake Management Areas : Toxic Contaminants, Stewardship |
Research interests : I am active in research, teaching and advisory services related to environmental contaminant issues in Chesapeake Bay. My research interests include analytical method development including biosensors, contaminant partitioning behavior, toxicity studies to assess the effects of contaminants and long-term fate studies to assess regulatory actions. I have studied polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contamination in the Elizabeth River, Virginia for over 25 years and recent research has focused on the development of antibody-based sensors for the near real-time analysis of environmental contaminants.
Dr. Stephanie Uz
Institution : NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Department : Ocean Ecology Lab |
Expertise : Algae Blooms, Biogeochemistry, Climate/Weather Modeling and Forecasting, Climate/Weather Impact Analysis (biochemistry and living resources), Communications, Ecological Modeling, Ecology, Fisheries, Marine Life, Oceanography
Chesapeake Management Areas : Sustainable Fisheries, Water Quality, Climate Resiliency |
Research interests : Monitoring the long-term response of ocean biology to physical forcing through the use of satellite-remote sensing data, in situ measurements, model output and statistical reconstructions using proxies.
Dr. Elizabeth Van Dolah
Institution : University of Maryland |
Department : Anthropology |
Expertise : Algae Blooms, Climate/Weather Impact Analysis (biochemistry and living resources), Local Community Organization, Regional Restoration Project Design/Management, Sea Level Rise, Social Sciences, Cultural heritage
Chesapeake Management Areas : Sustainable Fisheries, Water Quality, Stewardship, Climate Resiliency |
Research interests : Cultural processes affecting climate change decision making
Dr. Veronika Vazhnik
Institution : Penn State University (PSU) |
Department : Agricultural and Biological Engineering |
Position : Graduate research assistant |
Expertise : Agricultural BMPs, Alternative Energy, Ecological Modeling, Environmental Economics, Graphic Arts, Land Use, Decision-making science and operations research
Chesapeake Management Areas : Water Quality, Land Conservation, Stewardship |
Research interests : Farm-level decision-making based on sustainability assessment; sustainability assessment criteria across spatial and temporal extents
Dr. Tamie Veith
Institution : US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service (ARS) |
Department : Agricultural and Biological Engineering |
Position : Agricultural Engineer |
Expertise : Agricultural BMPs, Agricultural Runoff, Computer Science, Ecological Modeling, Environmental Engineering, Nutrient Cycling, Nutrient Pollution, Water Quality
Chesapeake Management Areas : Vital Habitats, Water Quality, Toxic Contaminants, Healthy Watersheds, Stewardship, Climate Resiliency |
Research interests : Cost-effective BMP selection and placement for water quality improvement
Dr. Peter Vikesland
Institution : Virginia Tech (VT) |
Department : Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Expertise : Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Education, Environmental Engineering, Water Quality
Chesapeake Management Areas : Water Quality, Toxic Contaminants, Healthy Watersheds |
Research interests : Antibiotic resistance dissemination in natural and engineering environments; environmental implications and applications of nanotechnology
Dr. Lisa Wainger
Institution : University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) |
Department : Chesapeake Biological Laboratory (CBL) |
Expertise : Agricultural BMPs, Agricultural Runoff, Ecological Modeling, Environmental Economics, Invasive Species, Land Use, Nutrient Pollution, Oysters, Social Sciences, Socioeconomic Modeling, Water Quality
Chesapeake Management Areas : Sustainable Fisheries, Vital Habitats, Water Quality, Healthy Watersheds, Land Conservation, Stewardship, Climate Resiliency |
Research interests : cost-effective environmental policies and restoration strategies
Dr. Eric Walters
Institution : Old Dominion University (ODU) |
Department : Biological Sciences |
Position : Associate Professor |
Expertise : Ecology, Forests, Wildlife Ecology
Chesapeake Management Areas : Vital Habitats, Land Conservation |
Research interests : Migrant bird ecology along the Eastern Shore
Dr. Zhiwu (Drew) Wang
Institution : Virginia Tech (VT) |
Department : Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Expertise : Agricultural BMPs, Agricultural Runoff, Alternative Energy, Environmental Engineering, Nutrient Pollution, Water Quality, Water Treatment
Chesapeake Management Areas : Water Quality, Toxic Contaminants |
Research interests : stormwater treatment; nutrient removal; bioenergy production; water purification
Dr. Denice Wardrop
Institution : Penn State University (PSU) |
Department : Geography |
Expertise : Biogeochemistry, Climate/Weather Impact Analysis (biochemistry and living resources), Ecology, Methane Cycling, Nutrient Cycling, Wetlands
Chesapeake Management Areas : Vital Habitats, Water Quality, Healthy Watersheds, Climate Resiliency |
Research interests : Most of my time at Penn State has been spent as a research scientist at Riparia, a center dedicated to providing science that informs policy and practice. My research has centered on ecological responses to human disturbance and climate change in freshwater wetlands, their neighboring headwater streams, and coastal marshes. My experience as both an ecologist and an educator led me down the path of exploring the responsibility of Higher Education in the pursuit of a sustainable world; I served as the founding Director of Penn State’s Sustainability Institute, dedicated to leading and supporting the University’s integration of sustainability into all of its functions, which is closing in on its five year anniversary. I have just returned to my faculty position in the Department of Geography, building an Office of Engaged Scholarship in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences and pursuing the vision of humans and aquatic ecosystems bringing out the best in each other. Current research is in carbon sequestration and cycling in Mid-Atlantic freshwater wetlands and in the high altitude peatlands and tropical marshes of Peru; relative vulnerability of freshwater wetlands to climate change impacts via high-resolution hydrologic modelling; assessment of restoration progress in the Everglades; and the role of monitoring and assessment (including ecologic indices) in adaptive management in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.