Dr. Emily Rivest

Institution: Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS)
Department: Biological Sciences
Expertise: Coastal/Estuarine Sampling and Monitoring, Communications, Ecology, Oysters, Water Quality, Ecological physiology, estuarine and marine invertebrates
Chesapeake Management Areas: Sustainable Fisheries, Vital Habitats, Water Quality, Climate Resiliency
Research interests: consequences of global and local stressors for the physiology of marine invertebrates in coastal ecosystems; interdisciplinary approach to testing hypothesis by employing complementary techniques from other disciplines (oceanographic sensor technology, environmental chemistry, biogeochemistry, coastal ecology); mechanisms of stress tolerance over short time scales (acclimatization) and longer time scales (local adaptation); focus on human-caused stressors such as ocean acidification, ocean warming, and hypoxia, as well as natural environmental variability; study systems include oysters and other bivalves in the Chesapeake Bay, tropical reef corals, and mussels in the temperature rocky intertidal.
Email: ebrivest@vims.edu
Web Address: www.vims.edu/research/departments/bio/people/faculty/rivest_borrowed.php

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