Dr. Matthew Ogburn

Institution: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC)
Department: Fish and Invertebrate Ecology Lab
Expertise: Climate/Weather Impact Analysis (biochemistry and living resources), Coastal/Estuarine Sampling and Monitoring, Crabs, Ecology, Fisheries, Invasive Species, Marine Life, Oysters, Zooplankton, Animal Migrations, River Herring, Acoustic Telemetry, Long-term Data
Chesapeake Management Areas: Sustainable Fisheries, Vital Habitats, Healthy Watersheds, Environmental Literacy, Stewardship, Climate Resiliency
Research interests: community and population dynamics of fishery species; ecosystem-based fisheries management; role of animal migrations in ecosystem dynamics; building a genetic barcode library of Chesapeake fishes and invertebrates; conservation and restoration of coastal ecosystems
Email: ogburnm@si.edu
Web Address: serc.si.edu/labs/fish-and-invertebrate-ecology
Phone Number: 443-482-2203

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