Dr. Melissa Kenney

Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES)
Department: Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC)
Expertise: Communications, Environmental Economics, Nutrient Pollution, Social Sciences, Socioeconomic Modeling, Stream Health, Water Quality, indicators, decision science, decision support tools and processes, science policy, climate adaptation and mitigation
Chesapeake Management Areas: Water Quality, Healthy Watersheds, Stewardship, Climate Resiliency
Research interests: Dr. Kenney conducts multi-disciplinary social science research at the intersection of the environment, technology, and society. Strategies and decisions made at this nexus often encounter significant uncertainty about scientific evidence and involve stakeholders with conflicting objectives and values. The goal is to understand and improve the processes and tools that aid these decisions, both in the public and private sectors.
Email: kenney@umd.edu
Web Address: indicators.umd.edu

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