Tracking COVID-19


screenshot of the COVID-19 dashboardJohns Hopkins University has been a global leader throughout the duration of the COVID-19 crisis. Not only has their plan for continuing research in these unprecedented times become the industry standard, but they have also created the go-to COVID-19 Dashboard. Launched in the early days of the crisis, Johns Hopkins’ dashboard has become a useful tool for researchers, public health officials, and concerned citizens alike. With over 1 billion views every day, it is the most used source for COVID-19 data in the world. We can thank co-director of the Hopkins’s Center for Systems Science, Lauren Gardner for leading the development and implementation of this powerful tool.

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JHU Researchers Calculate How Urbanization Impacts Flooding


picture of an empty street in a city

While it is widely accepted that developing impervious surfaces leads to more flooding, researchers have not been able to pinpoint the magnitude of this effect. A recent study from Johns Hopkins University suggests that annual flood magnitude increases by 3.3% on average when impervious surface cover increases by 1% in the United States. The researchers involved came to this conclusion by modeling 39 years of data on water flow from streamgages and impervious cover growth upstream of these gages. They suggest that their findings could help communities better prepare for the environmental effect of urbanization. 

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