Danny Kaufman to Assist CBP with Optimization Tool Development

The CRC is pleased to welcome Dr. Danny Kaufman to the CRC team.  Danny, who started work  on the first of December  2017, is working as a Research Scientist to assist the Modeling Team of the Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) partnership on developing optimization tools for the Bay watershed model, called the Chesapeake Assessment Scenario Tool (CAST). The goal of the optimization tool development (OTD) effort is to help users of CAST generate low-cost scenarios for watershed management, taking into account factors such as the sources and amonts of nutrient loads, the geographic area, and the availability of different options for management. nor2

“The main goal of the model optimization is to provide an automated, numerical way to identify cost effective ways of implementing the best management practices,” Danny explained.  Most of his time will be spent at the CBO offices in Annapolis, where he can interface regularly with other programmers and scientists working on CAST , with CBP Goal Implementation Team members, and with other CBP partners and jurisdictional representatives who can benefit from the effort.

On starting his new job, Danny said “it’s a really fascinating project. The folks at the Bay Program Office are really great to work with, and I’ve been learning quite a bit about the model.” He added that he likes the application of the work he’s doing, helping create numerous scenarios with controls over different effects that will help the Bay Program achieve its goals, like improved water quality. To further assist this effort,m the CRC has also retained the assistance of six experienced experts to serve as an Advisory and Support Committee for the effort.  The  ASC comprises four faculty from CRC member institutions (Ben Hobbs and Hugh Ellis at Johns Hopkins University, Stuart Schwartz at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, and Darryl Bosch at Virginia Tech.  Rounding out the 6-member committe are Arthur McGarity at  Swarthmore College, and George van Houtven at RTI Internation in Research Triangle Park, NC.  All six members bring specific expertise in the area of multi-objective systems analysis for policy applications.

Danny also previous did modeling work while working toward his PhD s at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, where his effort focused on optimizing parameter selection for an estuarine water quality model. He finished his PhD last May under Dr. Marjy Friedrichs.

Danny was born in Philadelphia, but grew up in St. Mary’s County, Maryland. When he isn’t working on the Chesapeake Bay model, Danny has been exploring Annapolis and enjoys playing music, woodworking, and playing the boardgame, “Go”. We’re excited to have Danny on the team!