CRC’s Environmental Management Career Development Program works with the Chesapeake Bay Program partnership to offer three-year staff opportunities for science, management, and policy graduates as the partnership works to protect and restore the Chesapeake Bay. There are currently thirteen CRC Environmental Management Staffers supporting Chesapeake Bay Program. In November, CRC welcomed Mrs. Cuiyin Wu to the Environmental Management Career Development Program where she will spend her three years working with the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Scientific, Technical Assessment and Reporting (STAR) Team. In her role as STAR Staffer, Cuiyin will focus on the Bay Program’s suite of modeling tools, as well as climate resiliency.

Welcome, Cuiyin Wu; CRC's new staffer supporting the work of the Chesapeake Bay Program's STAR Team.

Welcome, Cuiyin Wu; CRC’s new staffer supporting the work of the Chesapeake Bay Program’s STAR Team.

Cuiyin was born and raised in the southern part of China. She came to the United States in 2012 to attend the University of Maryland, College Park. After two years of hard work, she received B.S. degree in Agriculture and Resources and Economics with the magna cum laude honor. During these two years, Cuiyin was active in assisting international students with their successful transition to university and “American” life. Being amazed by the beauty of the Chesapeake Bay watershed, she developed a passion for quantifying ecosystem services so that they can be accurately valued by stakeholders and land managers. Cuiyin obtained her M.S. in Environmental Science and Technology from the University of Maryland in 2017. Her master thesis project evaluated the market potential of firewood and wood pellets in Maryland in an effort to revitalize the forest industry and help foster the private landowners’ interest in sustainable land stewardship. Her research identified the potential challenges of the market expansion and necessity of governmental support programs. In her free time, Cuiyin likes to watch movies and enjoys biking, hiking, and traveling.

Welcome, Cuiyin!

For additional information regarding CRC’s Environmental Management Career Development Program, please contact Melissa Fagan, Environmental Management Career Development Program Coordinator at  Funding for CRC’s Environmental Management Career Development Program is provided through a cooperative agreement with the US EPA.