We are often asked what sets apart CRC’s Environmental Management Career Development Program from other entry-level positions. The answer is simple – professional development! While many positions have a commitment to professional growth and training for employees, our Staffers benefit from focused attention and support (both financial and mentoring) as they identify and pursue skills and experience necessary for them to keep their careers moving forward. Each Staffer in the program takes time to create an Individual Development Plan which outlines their areas of interest, skills they would like to develop, and experiences they would like to have during their tenure. Once the plan is in place, the work begins.

CRC Staffers at the 2016 Delaware Wetlands Conference

CRC Staffers at the 2016 Delaware Wetlands Conference

We execute Staffers’ Individual Development Plans using three primary mechanisms:

Work Experience.  Over the course of each Staffer’s three years in the program, we ensure that they have some really great, substantive work that not only contributes to the advancement of their teams’ objectives, but also gives them great material to add to their resumes. Examples of some of this work can be viewed here and here.

Professional Development Opportunities.  A great way to explore potential career paths is by attending conferences and workshops related to topics of interest. By participating in these events, Staffers can keep up to speed with current knowledge, learn about new discoveries or techniques, and network with current professionals and experts. Our Staffers may also have the opportunity to contribute to the conference by presenting a poster or giving a talk about their work. Examples of how some of our Staffers have taken advantage of these opportunities can be viewed here and here.

Training and Skill Building.  There are some skills that regardless of what particular career path you choose, you want to have in your toolbox. We plan a few group training workshops each year that all Staffers in our program attend to learn about and practice skills such as facilitation, leadership, project management, giving effective presentations, grant writing and more.

Our commitment to the professional growth of all of our Staffers is a core value of our program; development is literally our name!  Before we wrap up, let us leave you with this thought from Drew Pizzala, Environmental Management Staffer for the Fostering Stewardship Goal Implementation Team.

“Professional development has allowed me to fine tune professional skills and has introduced me to a range of topics I would not have known existed otherwise. It is also an excellent opportunity to network with like-minded professionals who may become collaborating partners down the road or may even open up new doors.”

CRC’s Environmental Management Career Development Program works with the Chesapeake Bay Program partnership to offer three-year staff opportunities for environmental science, management, and policy graduates as the partnership works to protect and restore the Chesapeake Bay. For additional information regarding CRC’s Environmental Management Career Development Program, please contact Melissa Fagan, Environmental Management Career Development Program Coordinator at faganm [at] chesapeake.org.  Funding for CRC’s Environmental Management Career Development Program is provided through a cooperative agreement with the US EPA.